Carver Industries

Carver Industries



Carver Industries is a Commodities Company


Our Pioneering Work


The Carver business is based on the pioneering work done by courageous entrepreneurs who traveled throughout Africa to discover commodity projects with tremendous value.


Gold Mining


We had our team on the ground in Ghana as far back as 2011 and in Liberia since 2012.  Our team discovered Gold Alluvial Surface Mining projects that were in need of investment and modern mining technology.  With modern mining technology, we will revolutionize Gold mining projects in Liberia and Ghana.


Diamond Trading


Our team has traveled to the DRC, Sierra Leone and Liberia and identified Diamond suppliers who will sell 1 – 10 carat rough gem grade Diamonds to us at a deep discount.  Many Western, European, Middle Eastern and Chinese have pulled out of these markets due to fear of working in these nations.


Carver has developed processes that are safe and take risk down to near zero.  Our team has relationships with reliable suppliers to establish stable supply of Diamonds.  We have selected local gemologists that will be managed by our US staff.  We use Brinks to manage logistics  

Precious Metals Division:               Precious Minerals Division:

Gold Mining                                    Diamond Mining and Trading