The Diamond Industry
diamond industry consists of segments that mine, process and market gem
diamonds and industrial diamonds.
Gem quality diamonds are mined primarily in Botswana, Russia, South Africa, Angola,
Namibia, Australia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
It takes an average of 250 tons of mined ore to produce one carat of finished
The primary diamond processing centers, where they are evaluated, cut and sold
are in Antwerp; India, Tel Aviv and New York.
Unlike precious metals such as gold or platinum, gem diamonds do not trade as a
commodity: there is a substantial mark-up in the sale of diamonds, and there is
not a very active market for resale of diamonds. One hallmark of the trade in
gem-quality diamonds is its remarkable concentration: wholesale trade and
diamond cutting is limited to a few locations.
New York is the primary port of entry into the United States, and the largest
market for diamonds in the world.